Officially launched on 2017/10/16, Utsource developed its free shipping event. Millions of electronic components shipped free. no hesitation for shipping charge. Enjoy the freedom of purchasing!

Free Shipping Q&A

What kind of order can be shipped free?

When the order amount is under $5.00 and you choose post for shipping, then we will charge nothing for this shipping. The free shipping will automatically applied at check out.

Will the delivery takes long time if I choose to ship my order free?

Utsource develop a brand new logistics channel to allow the free shipping works, although it may takes longer time than express, but it will deliver faster than normal registered mail. So it’ll be good choice for you.

What is the difference of this free shipping method and other shipping methods?

It is different in delivery charge, delivery speed and the way to track order. Free shipping orders can only be track on designated website: But you can still see the export information on normal track website (not any detailed information).

What is the meaning of the “Free Shipping” tagged on items?

Considering about the MOQ and price, we will help you identify the items which will be charged free for shipment when you buy the item at its minimum order quantity. Those items are tagged “Free Shipping”

When will this event end?

This is a long-term free shipping event, and we will not end this function in short period. Just take you time to consider while purchasing, no worry about the time.

Afraid of the quality problem? Spend no more than $5.00 to purchase and test the item first! Facts speak louder than words.Faced a big charge on shipping while all you need to buy is only $5.00? No more worries about it, now it’s free chaarging. Extremely convenient for small amount purchaser, DIY hobbyist and new users. Would you give it

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