The TL07xx JFET input operational amplifier integrates well-matched high-voltage JFET and bipolar transistors in a monolithic integrated circuit. These devices have high slew rate, low input bias and offset current, and low temperature coefficient of offset voltage. The low harmonic distortion and low noise of the TL07x series make it very suitable for high-fidelity and audio pre amplifier applications. TL071 devices It has an offset pin to support external input offset correction.
Low power consumption
Wide common mode and differential voltage range
Low input bias and offset current
Output short circuit protection
Low total harmonic distortion: 0.003% (typical value)
Low noise: V n = 18nV /√ Hz (typical value, f = 1kHz)
High input impedance: JFET input stage <li> internal frequency compensation
Latch-free operation High slew rate: 13V/μs (typical value)
Common mode input voltage range includes V CC +
Parameters Compared with other products
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