LNK364PN is a low-power and high-efficiency off-line switch IC (small number of components, strict output voltage regulation), including a 700V power MOSFET, oscillator, simple on/off control, a high-voltage switching current source, frequency jitter , Current limiting and thermal shutdown circuit detected in every cycle. The power during start-up and operation comes directly from the drain pin, no bias winding and related circuits are needed. LNK364PN combines a high-voltage power MOSFET switch and a power controller.
Unlike the usual PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) controller, it uses a simple on/off controller to regulate the output voltage. This controller includes an oscillator, feedback (detection and logic) circuit, 5.8V regulator, bypass pin undervoltage circuit, overheat protection, frequency jitter, current limit circuit and leading edge blanking circuit, and is connected with a 700V The power MOSFETs are integrated together. LinkSwitch-XT also includes additional circuitry for automatic restart.
It is a high-efficiency and low-power offline transfer switch of PI. The circuit design is simple, has multiple protection functions, the whole design has few peripheral components, and has a wide range of applications, including mobile phones, cameras, players, home appliances, etc. Among them, the LNK364PN chip can be used as the power management chip of the induction cooker, and the circuit efficiency is high, which can well meet the application requirements.
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