Chip circuito integrato

Circuiti integrati digitali serie 74

Circuiti integrati digitali serie CD40

Accoppiatori ottici

Orologio e calcolatrice di circuiti integrati

Amplificatori operazionali

Interruttore di accensione circuito integrato

Driver circuito integrato

Memoria flash


Audio speciale

Clock/ Timing - Specifico per l'applicazione

Clock/ Timing - Drivers, buffer orologio

Clock/ Timing - Generatori orologio, PLL, sintetizzatori di frequenza

Clock/ Timing - Linee di ritardo

Clock/ Timing - Batterie circuito integrato

Clock/ Timing - Oscillatori e Timer programmabili

Clock/ Timing - Clock in Real Time

Acquisizione dati - ADC / DAC - Scopo speciale

Acquisizione dati - Front end analogico (AFE)

Acquisizione dati - Convertitore da analogico a digitale (ADC)

Acquisizione dati - Potenziometro digitale

Acquisizione dati - Convertitore da digitale ad analogico (ADC)

Acquisizione dati - Controller Touch-screen

Incorporato - CPLD (dispositivi logici programmabili complessi)

Incorporato - DSP ( processori segnali digitali)

Incorporato - FPGA ( dispositivi programmabili)

Incorporato - FPGA ( dispositivi programmabili) con microcontroller

Incorporato - Microcontroller, Microprocessori, Moduli FPGA

Incorporato - Microcontroller

Incorporato - Microcontroller - Specifica Applicazione

Incorporato - Microprocessori

Incorporato - PLD (dispositivo logico programmabile)

Incorporato - Sistema su chip (SoC)

Interfaccia - Interruttori analogici - Scopo speciale

Interfaccia - Interruttori analogici, multiplexer, demultiplexer

Interfaccia - CODEC

Interfaccia - Controller

Interfaccia - Sintesi digitale diretta (DSS)

Interfaccia - Driver, Ricevitori, Transceiver

Interfaccia - Codificatori, Decodificatori, Convertitori

Interfaccia - Filtri - Attivi

Interfaccia - Espansori I / O

Interfaccia - Modem - CI e moduli

Interfaccia - Moduli

Interfaccia - Interfacce sensore e rilevatore

Interfaccia - Sensore, Touch Capacitivo

Interfaccia - Serializzatori, Deserializzatori

Interfaccia - Buffer di segnale, Ripetitori, Splitter

Interfaccia - Terminatori di segnale

Interfaccia - Specializzato

Interfaccia - Telecom

Interfaccia - UART (Trasmettitore Asincrono Universale del Ricevitore)

Interfaccia - Registrazione e Riproduzione vocale

Lineare - Amplificatori - Audio

Lineari - Amplificatori - Strumentazione, Amplificatori operazionali, Amplificatori buffer

Linear - Amplificatore - Scopo speciale

Lineare - Amplificatore - Amplificatore Video e Moduli

Lineari - Moltiplicatori analogici, Divisori

Lineare - Comparatori

Lineare - Elaborazione video

Logica - Buffer, Driver, Ricevitori, Transceiver

Logica - Comparatori

Logica - Contatori, Divisori

Logica - Memoria FIFO

Logica - Flip Flops

Logica - Gate e Inverter

Logica - Gate e Inverter - Multifunzione, Configurabile

Logica - Latch

Logica - Multivibratori

Logica - Generatori e Controllori di parità

Logica - Registri a scorrimento

Logica - Interruttori di segnale, Multiplexer, Decodificatori

Logica - Logica speciale

Logica - Traduttori, Cambi di livello

Logica - Funzioni Bus Universale

Memoria - Batterie

Memoria - Proms di configurazione per FPGA

Memoria - Controller

PMIC - Convertitori ca-cc, Commutatori offline

PMIC - Caricabatterie

PMIC - Gestione della batteria

PMIC - Regolamentazione / Gestione attuale

PMIC - Driver di visualizzazione

PMIC - Misurazione dell'energia

PMIC - Driver full-half-bridge

PMIC - Drivers Gate

PMIC - Controller Hot Swap

PMIC - Driver laser

PMIC - Driver LED

PMIC - Illuminazione, Regolatori di zavorra

PMIC - Driver per motori, Controller

PMIC - Controller OR, Diodi ideali

PMIC - PFC (correzione del fattore di potenza)

PMIC - Interruttori di distribuzione dell'alimentazione, Driver di caricamento

PMIC - Power Management - Specializzato

PMIC - Controller Power Over Ethernet (PoE)

PMIC - Controller di alimentazione, Monitor

PMIC - Convertitori da RMS a CC

PMIC - Supervisori

PMIC - Gestione termica

PMIC - Convertitori V / F e F / V

PMIC - Riferimento di tensione

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Controllori a commutazione cc-cc

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Regolatori a commutazione cc-cc

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Lineari

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Lineari + commutazione

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Controllori regolatori lineari

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Scopo speciale

CI Specializzati






Alimentazione elettrica

Modulo Smart Power

SCR, GTO e Diodo


Transistor Darlington

Moduli RF




Servo Drive & Amplificatore & Servo

Modulo Diodo

Modulo Transistor

Relè di Commutazione



Contattore e Interruttore

Scheda Ascensore

Controllo Settore



Transistor bipolari


Resistori a film di carbonio

Resistori di cemento

Resistori per montaggio su telaio

Resistore a chip - Montaggio superficiale

Resistori rilevatori di corrente

Resistore a chip fusibile

Resistori SMD ad alta precisione e bassa TCR

Resistori ad alta tensione

Resistori a strisce LED

Resistori MELF

Resistori in lega metallica

Resistori a film metallico (TH)

Resistori di smalto metallico

Resistori a film di ossido di metallo

Resistori all'ossido di metallo

Termistori NTC

Termistori PTC


Potenziometri e resistori variabili

Potenziometro di precisione

Reti e array di resistori

Reti e array di resistori (TH)

Resistori Ultrabassi (SMD)

Resistori variabili


Resistori ad avvolgimento


Condensatori elettrolitici in alluminio - SMD

Condensatore CL21

Condensatori a dischi ceramici

Condensatori ad alta tensione

Condensatore in film di poliestere metallizzato

Condensatori ceramici multistrato MLCC - Piombo

Condensatori ceramici multistrato MLCC - SMD&SMT

Condensatore di Mylar

Condensatori all'ossido di niobio

Condensatori a film di poliestere

Condensatore elettrolitico polimero solido

Supercondensatori e Ultracondensatori

Condensatori di soppressione

Condensatori al tantalio

Trimmer, condensatori variabili

Induttori e trasformatori di ferrite


Trasformatori di correnti

Induttori Generali (TH)

Induttori HF

Induttori (SMD)

Filtro LINE

Induttori di potenza

Trasformatore di potenza

Trasformatore RJ45

Induttore radiale (TH)

Gli induttori circolari





Risonatori ceramici

Oscillatori DIP (XO)

Cristalli a cilindro radiale

Risuonatori SAW

Cristalli SMD

Oscillatori SMD (XO)


Connettori AV

Connettori audio e video

Connettori a banana e punta

Connettori bordo scheda

Connettori circolari

Connettore - Prese per schede



Connettori- Alloggiamenti


Connettori D-Sub

Connettori Ethernet&Connettori modulari

Connettori FFC, FPC (flessibile piatto)

Connettori in fibra ottica

Prese per circuiti integrati e componenti

Tubi luminosi a LED

Connettori mezzanine (da scheda a scheda)

Connettori PCB - Basette, pin maschio

Connettori PCB - Basette, prese, prese femmina

Connettori PCB - Alloggiamenti

Connettori di alimentazione

Connettori RF&Connettori coassiali

Shunt e ponticelli

Morsettiere - Accessori

Morsettiere - Blocchi a barriera

Morsettiere - Din Rail, canale

Morsettiere - Basette, spine e prese


Clip di prova

Punti di prova&anelli di prova

Connettori USB

Connettori non specificati

Cablaggio a vite

Cablaggio a molla

Morsettiere innestabili

Morsettiere passanti

Terminali automobilistici

Alloggiamenti terminali, guaine isolanti e blocchi

Connettori e terminali per cavi a scollegamento rapido

Utensili di ricambio e usura

Connettori automobilistici

Connettori PCB


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il numero di prodotti correlati: 143
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Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12708


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12708

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature







From: €4.79523

The TEC1-12708 is a 12V thermoelectric cooler (TEC) module designed for cooling electronic components. It is a Peltier module that can be used to cool or heat a device. It is capable of cooling up to




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12710


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12710

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature







From: €4.61080




15 cm 20 cm30cm stainless steel straightedge measuring tool Upset ' A metal ruler Straight board feet (3 PCS)


Original parts, guaranteed brand new







From: €2.76648

Description: This set of stainless steel straightedge measuring tools is designed to help you measure and draw straight lines with ease. The set includes three pieces of straight boards in different s




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12709


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12709

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature







From: €4.79523




Medium alligator clip sheathed power test clip to clip tong wire clip to power 10


Original parts, guaranteed brand new







From: €1.47545

ALLIGATOR CLIP SHEATHED POWER TEST CLIP TO CLIP TONG WIRE CLIP TO POWER 10 Description: This is a medium alligator clip sheathed power test clip designed for use with clip tongs. It is used to connec




323 wire stripping knife - 5-7 and stripping pliers coaxial cable wire stripper cable stripping knife


Original parts, guaranteed brand new







From: €4.24193




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12712


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12712

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature







From: €5.16409

The TEC1-12712 is a 12V Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) designed for cooling electronic components and water dispensers. It features a maximum current of 15A, a maximum voltage of 15.4V, a maximum power o




1 road relay module with optical coupling isolation support high and low level trigger 5 v relay all the way to expand board


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

1 road relay module with optical coupling isolation support high and low level trigger 5 v relay all the way to expand board

, module USES the authentic quality relay, normally open interface maximum load: ac 250 v / 10 a, dc 30 v / 10 a. 2, the patch optical coupling isolation, driving ability is strong, stable performance; Trigger current 5 ma; 3, modules, working voltage is 5 v 4, module can be set through the jumper wire high level or low level trigger; 5, fault-tolerant design, even if the control line is broken, relay will not move; 6, power indicator light (green), relay status indicator light (red) 7, human interface design, all interface can be directly by terminal connection leads, is very convenient 8, module size: 50 mm * 26 mm * 18.5 mm (length * width * height) 9, is equipped with four fixed bolt hole, hole is 3.1 mm, spacing of 44.5 mm * 20.5 mm The second module interface: 1, DC + : positive (voltage according to the requirements of relay, there are 5 v. 9 v. 12 v and 24 v) 2, DC - : connect power cathode 3, IN: can be high or low level control relay and off Relay output: 1 and NO: relay norm







From: €1.47545

Description: The XC6206P332MR is a road relay module with optical coupling isolation support high and low level trigger 5 V relay all the way to expand board. It features a wide operating voltage rang




8 road 5 v relay module with optical coupling isolation support AVR / / PIC microcontroller 51 PLC relay


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

8 road 5 v relay module with optical coupling isolation support AVR / / PIC microcontroller 51 PLC relay

8 road relay output module, relay contact output 250 v a maximum 10 a. Input IN1 and IN2, IN3, IN4, IN5, IN6, IN7, IN8 signal low level effectively. VCC, GND power input end, can relay JD - VCC power relay power input end alone. USES: 1, support all single-chip microcomputer control. 2, industrial fields; 3, PLC control; 4, household intelligent control; 【 characteristics 】 Using large current relay, AC250V 10 a DC30V 10 a The contact part of the independent wiring, safe and reliable Standard interface, can be extended in various development board A fixed screw holes, convenient installation Suitable for 51 AVR/AVR on various platforms such as/ARM has eight often opened eight normally closed contacts; 8, blue KF301 terminal line more convenient. 9, module size: 138 m * 56 mm * 18.5 mm (length * width * height), net weight: 120 g 10, is equipped with four fixed bolt hole, hole is 3.1 mm, distance 131 mm * 49.5 mm 11, finished product by 100% function test and stability test Th







From: €4.24193

The 8 Road 5V Relay Module with Optical Coupling Isolation Support AVR/PIC/51 Microcontroller PLC Relay is a versatile and reliable relay module designed to provide reliable control of electrical devi




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12706


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12706

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature







From: €4.24193

The TEC1-12706 is a 12V thermoelectric cooler (TEC) module designed for cooling applications. It is a Peltier module with a maximum power of 72W and a maximum current of 6A. The module has a maximum t




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12705


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12705

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature







From: €4.24193

TEC1-12705 is a 12V thermoelectric cooler (TEC) module designed for cooling applications. It is made of semiconductor material and features a high power density, low thermal resistance, and low cost.




With optical coupling isolation 4-way relay board panel 5 v relay output module microcontroller extension


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

With optical coupling isolation 4-way relay board panel 5 v relay output module microcontroller extension

4 road relay output module, relay contact output maximum 250 a 10 a. Input IN1 and IN2, IN3, IN4 signal low level effectively. VCC, GND power input end, can relay JD - VCC power relay power input end alone.







From: €3.31977




Detector QC usb test voltage ammeter digital display mobile phone charge safety monitoring instruments


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Detector QC usb test voltage ammeter digital display mobile phone charge safety monitoring instruments

This product can test 5 v, 9 v adapter is good or bad, better or worse, according to the current test cable test maximum current 3 a. According to current test mobile phone or tablet end is good or bad. Mobile phone is not charging or charging slow according to the data accurate judgment, to save time and effort.







From: €4.24193

Description: This digital display mobile phone charge safety monitoring instrument is a detector that can be used to measure the voltage and current of USB charging ports. It can also be used to detec




Diamond grinding head Cylindrical ball cone grinding needle a box, diamond electroplated grinding head head 3 mm shank diameter (30 PCS)


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Diamond grinding head Cylindrical ball cone grinding needle a box, diamond electroplated grinding head head 3 mm shank diameter (30 PCS)

Used for mould grinding, grinding inner hole, seiko fine to do quality is reliable. Apply to electric grinding machine, engraving machine, electric machinery supporting assembly. Mainly used for glass, jade carving, repair, abrasive and hard objects. 30 PC diamond grinding head, grinding, grinding rods, etc. Mainly used in electric, pneumatic tools.







From: €4.24193

Description: This diamond grinding head is designed for cylindrical ball cone grinding. It has a 3mm shank diameter and comes in a box of 30 pieces. Features: * Diamond electroplated grinding head *




Precision tweezers point bend teardown electronic mobile phone repair tools, bird's nest hair clip pointed tweezers 1511


Original parts, guaranteed brand new







From: €0.92216

Product Description: The Precision Tweezers Point Bend Teardown Electronic Mobile Phone Repair Tools, Bird's Nest Hair Clip Pointed Tweezers 1511 is a professional tweezers tool designed for mobile p




3 mm mercury switch heeling Angle position switch(3pcs)


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

3 mm mercury switch heeling Angle position switch(3pcs)

Mercury is better, the conductivity of the mercury switch contact resistance between the electrodes is less than 100 m Ω commonly. (4) mercury switch allows current depends on the electrode materials, tungsten electrode for the maximum allowable current 10. A, the general wire normally maximum allowable current 1 a. (5) due to gravity to determine mercury switch on and off by mercury, so it can work reliably for a long time.







From: €1.47545




IC on dial device PLCC dialing device since the BIOS chip on extractor forceps clip


Original parts, guaranteed brand new







From: €3.31977

The IC ON DIAL DEVICE PLCC DIALING DEVICE is a device used to control the dialing of a telephone. It is typically used in conjunction with a telephone handset and is used to control the dialing of num




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12704


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12704

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature







From: €4.24193

The TEC1-12704 is a 12V Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) module. It is a self-contained module that uses the Peltier effect to cool or heat objects. It is commonly used in applications such as cooling elec




WLXY computer clean of dust SLR camera gas purge ears ball blowing balloons The tiger skin a large 90 ml


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

WLXY computer clean of dust SLR camera gas purge ears ball blowing balloons The tiger skin a large 90 ml

Usage: used for mobile phones, computers, household appliances, such as repair, for cleaning purposes Specification: about 6 cm wide, 11 cm high. Features: good toughness, springback is fast, is mobile phones, computers, motherboards, electronic accessories, keyboard clean dust removal of choice, can be washed.







From: €1.47545

Description: This is a computer cleaning kit that includes a dust slr camera gas purge, ears ball blowing balloons, and a tiger skin large 90 ml. Features: Dust slr camera gas purge: This helps to




Table vice medium tool fixture vise vise vice laboratory


Original parts, guaranteed brand new







From: €4.61080

Description: The VV-M-100 is a medium-sized table vice designed for use in laboratories and workshops. It is made of high-grade steel for durability and features a quick-release mechanism for easy adj




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