chíp vi mạch

Mạch tích hợp kỹ thuật số sê-ri 74

Mạch tích hợp kỹ thuật số sê-ri CD40

Khớp nối quang

IC đồng hồ & máy tính

Mổ nội soi

Ic công tắc nguồn

Trình điều khiển Ic

Bộ nhớ flash

Kỉ niệm

Mục đích âm thanh đặc biệt

Đồng hồ/Thời gian - Ứng dụng cụ thể

Đồng hồ/Thời gian - Trình điều khiển bộ đệm đồng hồ

Đồng hồ/Thời gian - Bộ tạo xung nhịp Bộ tổng hợp tần số PLL

Đồng hồ/Thời gian - Đường trễ

Đồng hồ/Thời gian - Pin IC

Đồng hồ/Thời gian - Bộ hẹn giờ và Bộ tạo dao động có thể lập trình

Đồng hồ/Thời gian - Đồng hồ thời gian thực

Thu thập dữ liệu - ADC/DAC - Mục đích đặc biệt

Thu thập dữ liệu - Giao diện người dùng tương tự (AFE)

Thu thập dữ liệu - Bộ chuyển đổi tương tự sang kỹ thuật số (ADC)

Thu thập dữ liệu - Chiết áp kỹ thuật số

Thu thập dữ liệu - Bộ chuyển đổi kỹ thuật số sang tương tự (DAC)

Thu thập dữ liệu - Bộ điều khiển màn hình cảm ứng

Nhúng - CPLD (Thiết bị logic lập trình phức hợp)

Nhúng - DSP (Bộ xử lý tín hiệu số)

Embedded - FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)

Embedded - FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) với Vi điều khiển

Nhúng - Vi điều khiển Vi xử lý Mô-đun FPGA

Nhúng - Vi điều khiển

Nhúng - Vi điều khiển - Ứng dụng cụ thể

Nhúng - Bộ vi xử lý

Nhúng - PLD (Thiết bị logic có thể lập trình)

Nhúng - Hệ thống Trên Chip (SoC)

Giao diện - Công tắc tương tự - Mục đích đặc biệt

Giao diện - Công tắc tương tự Bộ ghép kênh Bộ tách kênh

Giao diện - CODEC

Giao diện - Bộ điều khiển

Giao diện - Tổng hợp kỹ thuật số trực tiếp (DDS)

Giao diện - Trình điều khiển Bộ thu Bộ thu phát

Giao diện - Bộ mã hóa Bộ giải mã Bộ chuyển đổi

Giao diện - Bộ lọc - Hoạt động

Giao diện - Bộ mở rộng I/O

Giao diện - Modem - IC và Mô-đun

Giao diện - Mô-đun

Giao diện - Giao diện cảm biến và máy dò

Giao diện - Cảm biến cảm ứng điện dung

Giao diện - Serializers Deserializers

Giao diện - Bộ đệm tín hiệu Bộ lặp Bộ tách

Giao diện - Bộ kết thúc tín hiệu

Giao diện - Chuyên ngành

Giao Diện - Viễn Thông

Giao diện - UARTs (Máy phát thu không đồng bộ đa năng)

Giao diện - Ghi âm và phát lại giọng nói

Tuyến tính - Âm ly - Âm thanh

Tuyến tính - Bộ khuếch đại - Thiết bị đo đạc OP Amps Bộ khuếch đại đệm

Tuyến tính - Bộ khuếch đại - Mục đích đặc biệt

Tuyến tính - Bộ khuếch đại - Bộ khuếch đại video và Mô-đun

Bộ chia tuyến tính - tương tự

Tuyến tính - Bộ so sánh

Tuyến tính - Xử lý video

Logic - Trình điều khiển bộ đệm Bộ thu Bộ thu phát

Logic - Bộ so sánh

Logic - Bộ chia bộ đếm

Logic - Bộ nhớ FIFO

Logic - Dép xỏ ngón

Logic - Cổng và Biến tần

Logic - Cổng và Biến tần - Có thể cấu hình đa chức năng

Logic - Chốt

Logic - Bộ rung đa năng

Logic - Trình tạo chẵn lẻ và Trình kiểm tra

Thanh ghi logic - Shift

Công tắc logic - tín hiệu Bộ ghép kênh Bộ giải mã

Logic - Chuyên ngành Logic

Logic - Translators Level Shifters

Logic - Chức năng Universal Bus

Bộ nhớ - Pin

Bộ nhớ - Proms cấu hình cho FPGA

Bộ nhớ - Bộ điều khiển

PMIC - Bộ chuyển đổi AC DC Bộ chuyển đổi ngoại tuyến

PMIC - Bộ Sạc Pin

PMIC - Quản lý pin

PMIC - Quy định/Quản lý hiện hành

PMIC - Trình điều khiển hiển thị

PMIC - Đo năng lượng

PMIC - Trình điều khiển nửa cầu đầy đủ

PMIC - Trình điều khiển cổng

PMIC - Bộ điều khiển hoán đổi nóng

PMIC - Trình điều khiển Laser

PMIC - Trình điều khiển LED

PMIC - Bộ điều khiển chấn lưu chiếu sáng

PMIC - Bộ điều khiển trình điều khiển động cơ

Bộ điều khiển PMIC - OR Đi-ốt lý tưởng

PMIC - PFC (Hiệu chỉnh hệ số công suất)

PMIC - Công tắc phân phối nguồn Trình điều khiển tải

PMIC - Quản lý điện năng - Chuyên ngành

PMIC - Bộ điều khiển cấp nguồn qua Ethernet (PoE)

PMIC - Màn hình Bộ điều khiển Nguồn điện

Bộ chuyển đổi PMIC - RMS sang DC

PMIC - Giám sát viên

PMIC - Quản lý nhiệt

PMIC - Bộ chuyển đổi V/F và F/V

PMIC - Điện áp tham chiếu

PMIC - Ổn áp - DC DC Switching Controllers

PMIC - Ổn áp - DC DC Switching Regulators

PMIC - Ổn áp - Tuyến tính

PMIC - Ổn áp - Tuyến tính + Chuyển mạch

PMIC - Ổn áp - Bộ điều chỉnh tuyến tính

PMIC - Ổn áp - Mục đích đặc biệt

IC chuyên dụng



quản lý tổng hợp


chỉnh lưu

Nguồn cấp

Mô-đun điện thông minh

SCRGTO và Đi-ốt


Bóng bán dẫn Darlington

Mô-đun RF



động cơ

Ổ đĩa servo & bộ khuếch đại & Servo

mô-đun điốt

mô-đun bóng bán dẫn

Rơ le công tắc


biến tần

Công tắc tơ & Cầu dao

bảng thang máy

Kiểm soát ngành

Linh kiện bán dẫn


bóng bán dẫn lưỡng cực

điện trở

Điện trở màng carbon

điện trở xi măng

Điện trở gắn khung gầm

Điện trở chip - Surface Mount

Điện trở cảm giác hiện tại

Điện trở chip dễ nóng chảy

Điện trở SMD có độ chính xác cao và TCR thấp

điện trở cao áp

Điện trở dải LED

Điện trở MELF

Điện trở hợp kim kim loại

Điện trở màng kim loại (TH)

Điện trở tráng men kim loại

Điện trở màng oxit kim loại

Điện trở oxit kim loại

Nhiệt điện trở NTC

Điện trở nhiệt PTC

Điện trở quang

Chiết áp & Biến trở

chiết áp chính xác

Mảng & mạng điện trở

Mảng & Mạng điện trở (TH)

Điện trở cực thấp (SMD)

biến điện trở

biến trở

Điện trở quấn dây

tụ điện

Tụ điện điện phân nhôm - SMD

Tụ điện CL21

Tụ điện đĩa gốm

Tụ Điện Cao Thế

Tụ điện phim Polyester kim loại hóa

Tụ điện gốm nhiều lớp MLCC - Có chì

Tụ điện gốm nhiều lớp MLCC - SMD/SMT

tụ điện mylar

Tụ điện oxit niobi

Tụ điện phim polyester

Tụ điện phân polymer rắn

Siêu tụ điện & Siêu tụ điện

tụ điện triệt tiêu

tụ tantali

Tông đơ Tụ biến

Cuộn cảm & Hạt Ferit & Máy biến áp

Ăng ten

Máy biến dòng

Cuộn cảm chung (TH)

cuộn cảm HF

Cuộn cảm (SMD)

Dây chuyền lọc

cuộn cảm điện

Máy biến áp

Máy biến áp RJ45

Cuộn cảm xuyên tâm (TH)

Cuộn cảm tròn

pha lê




Bộ cộng hưởng gốm

Dao động DIP(XO)

tinh thể xi lanh xuyên tâm

Bộ cộng hưởng SAW

Tinh thể SMD

Bộ tạo dao động SMD(XO)

kết nối

Đầu nối AV

Đầu nối âm thanh & video

Banana và Tip Connectors

Đầu nối cạnh thẻ

Đầu nối tròn

Đầu nối - Ổ cắm thẻ

kết nối

Đầu Nối - Phụ Kiện

Đầu nối - Vỏ

Liên lạc

Đầu nối D-Sub

Đầu nối Ethernet/Đầu nối mô-đun

Đầu nối FFC FPC (Dẻo phẳng)

Đầu nối sợi quang

Ổ cắm IC & linh kiện

Ống đèn LED

Đầu nối tầng lửng (Board to Board)

Đầu nối PCB - Đầu cắm nam

Đầu nối PCB - Ổ cắm tiêu đề Ổ cắm cái

Đầu nối PCB - Vỏ

Đầu nối nguồn

Đầu nối RF/Đầu nối đồng trục

Shunt & Jumper

Khối đầu cuối - Phụ kiện

Khối đầu cuối - Khối rào cản

Khối đầu cuối - Kênh Din Rail

Khối đầu cuối - Đầu cắm và ổ cắm

thiết bị đầu cuối

Clip kiểm tra

Điểm kiểm tra/Vòng kiểm tra

Đầu nối USB

Trình kết nối không xác định

Hệ thống dây điện kiểu vít

dây kiểu lò xo

Khối thiết bị đầu cuối có thể cắm

Khối thiết bị đầu cuối xuyên tường

thiết bị đầu cuối ô tô

Vỏ thiết bị đầu cuối Vỏ & khối cách nhiệt

Ngắt kết nối nhanh các đầu nối dây và thiết bị đầu cuối

Dụng cụ dự phòng & hao mòn

Đầu nối ô tô

Đầu nối PCB

Bộ thu phát SFP








SFP tùy chỉnh

SFP+ Bộ thu phát

10G SFP+




8G/16G FC SFP+

SFP+ tùy chỉnh

Bộ thu phát XFP





XFP tùy chỉnh

Bộ thu phát 40G/100G


100G QSFP28

CFP 100G

100G CFP2

100G CFP4

25G SFP28

100G CXP

40G/100G tùy chỉnh

40G BiDi QSFP+

Cáp quang chủ động

10G SFP+ đến SFP+ AOC


40G QSFP+ đến 4xSFP+ AOC

40G QSFP+ đến 8xLC AOC


AOC tùy chỉnh


100G QSFP28 đến 4xSFP28 AOC

56G QSFP+ đến QSFP+

Cáp đính kèm trực tiếp

10G SFP+ đến SFP+ DAC


40G QSFP+ đến 4xSFP+ DAC

Bộ giải mã 25G SFP28 đến SFP28

Bộ giải mã 100G QSFP28 đến QSFP28

Bộ giải mã 100G QSFP28 đến 4 SFP28

ĐẮC tùy chỉnh

56G QSFP+ đến QSFP+

Cáp HDMI sợi quang

Cáp quang sợi quang


Hội nghị toàn thể MTP/MPO-LC



OM4 40 100Gb 50/125 Đa chế độ

OM3 10Gb 50/125 Đa chế độ

OM2 50/125 Đa chế độ

Đa chế độ OM1 62,5/125

OS2 9/125 Singlemode Simplex

OS2 9/125 Singlemode Duplex

OM5 40G 100G 50/125 Đa chế độ

Cáp LC có thể chuyển đổi

Cáp Uniboot LC

LC SMF tổn thất cực thấp

LC MMF tổn thất cực thấp

Cáp quang BIF

Cáp vá bọc thép

Bộ thu phát khác

Mô-đun chuyển đổi


Bộ thu phát GBIC

Bộ thu phát PON

Phụ kiện thu phát

Đăng nhập

3. nhập \tài khoản trung tâm\->\Báo giá của tôi\ và kiểm tra trạng thái yêu cầu của bạn

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Địa chỉ giao hàng mới

*Quốc gia/Khu vực :
*Liên hệ :
*Điện thoại di động:

* Vui lòng điền chính xác số điện thoại di động để đảm bảo rằng bạn có thể nhận được thông tin theo dõi kịp thời.

Mã quốc gia
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*Thành phố :
Tỉnh :
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Vui lòng nhập mã zip gồm 5 chữ số mới..
Công ty :
Hủy bỏ

Thu thập dữ liệu - Bộ chuyển đổi tương tự sang kỹ thuật số (ADC)

Bộ lọc
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liên quan đến kết quả sản phẩm
Alternate Text Utsource


Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $36.77603

US $33.09842


US $36.77603

US $33.09842


US $35.55016

US $31.99514


US $35.05981

US $31.55383


US $34.81464

US $31.33317


US $34.32429

US $30.89186


US $34.32429

US $30.89186


US $34.07912

US $30.67120


US $33.83394

US $30.45055

From: US $33.83394

#PBF Description: The LTC1609ACSW#PBF is a high-speed, low-power CMOS dual 8-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converter (MDAC). Features: Low Power: 2.5mW/Channel Low Noise: 0.5LSB Max Low Cost

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices

The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation



US $22.00275

US $19.80248


US $22.00275

US $19.80248


US $21.26932

US $19.14239


US $20.97596

US $18.87837


US $20.82927

US $18.74634


US $20.53590

US $18.48231


US $20.53590

US $18.48231


US $20.38922

US $18.35030


US $20.24253

US $18.21828

From: US $20.24253

Description: The AD7731BRZ is a low power, low noise, 24-bit, sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip temperature sensor. Features: 24-bit resolution Low power consumpt

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



National Semiconductor

ADC1001 - 10-Bit μP Compatible A/D Converter, Package: Cerdip, Pin Nb=20



US $11.17600

US $10.05840


US $10.61720

US $9.55548


US $10.05840

US $9.05256


US $9.77900

US $8.80110


US $9.49960

US $8.54964


US $9.22020

US $8.29818


US $8.94080

US $8.04672


US $8.82904

US $7.94614


US $8.66140

US $7.79526

From: US $8.66140

Description: 10-bit, 8-Channel, Serial Input, Analog-to-Digital Converter Features: 8-channel multiplexed inputs 10-bit resolution Serial interface Low power consumption Single +5V supply Low co

Có hàng:5000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Analog Devices


The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $16.34490

US $14.71041


US $15.43685

US $13.89317


US $14.98283

US $13.48454


US $14.52880

US $13.07592


US $14.07478

US $12.66730


US $13.89317

US $12.50385


US $13.62075

US $12.25868


US $13.43914

US $12.09523


US $13.16673

US $11.85005

From: US $13.16673

Description: The AD7820KN is a low power, 8-bit, successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip track-and-hold amplifier. Features: 8-bit resolution Low power consum

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices

16-Bit 100 kSPS Sampling ADC



US $36.88200

US $33.19380


US $36.88200

US $33.19380


US $35.65260

US $32.08734


US $35.16084

US $31.64476


US $34.91496

US $31.42346


US $34.42320

US $30.98088


US $34.42320

US $30.98088


US $34.17732

US $30.75959


US $33.93144

US $30.53830

From: US $33.93144

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices


10-Bit, 40/65/80/105 MSPS 3 V Dual A/D Converter



US $14.79600

US $13.31640


US $13.97400

US $12.57660


US $13.56300

US $12.20670


US $13.15200

US $11.83680


US $12.74100

US $11.46690


US $12.57660

US $11.31894


US $12.33000

US $11.09700


US $12.16560

US $10.94904


US $11.91900

US $10.72710

From: US $11.91900

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $21.37410

US $19.23669


US $20.18665

US $18.16799


US $19.59293

US $17.63363


US $18.99920

US $17.09928


US $18.40548

US $16.56493


US $18.16799

US $16.35119


US $17.81175

US $16.03058


US $17.57426

US $15.81683


US $17.21803

US $15.49622

From: US $17.21803

Description: The AD574AKN is a 12-bit, voltage output, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with a serial interface. Features: 12-bit resolution Voltage output Serial interface Low power

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Texas Instruments


The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $7.43204

US $6.68884


US $7.06044

US $6.35439


US $6.68884

US $6.01995


US $6.50304

US $5.85273


US $6.31723

US $5.68551


US $6.13143

US $5.51829


US $5.94563

US $5.35107


US $5.87131

US $5.28418


US $5.75983

US $5.18385

From: US $5.75983

Description: The ADS1240E/1K is a 24-bit, low-power, low-noise, sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) from Texas Instruments. Features: 24-bit resolution Low power consumption: 1.2 m

Có hàng:5000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $3.87374

US $3.48637


US $3.68005

US $3.31205


US $3.48637

US $3.13773


US $3.38952

US $3.05057


US $3.29268

US $2.96341


US $3.19584

US $2.87625


US $3.09899

US $2.78909


US $3.06026

US $2.75423


US $3.00215

US $2.70193

From: US $3.00215

Có hàng:10000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $12.78335

US $11.50501


US $12.07316

US $10.86584


US $11.71807

US $10.54626


US $11.36297

US $10.22668


US $11.00788

US $9.90709


US $10.86585

US $9.77926


US $10.65279

US $9.58751


US $10.51075

US $9.45968


US $10.29770

US $9.26793

From: US $10.29770

Description: Low Noise, Low Power, 16-Bit, 500ksps, 2-Channel, Simultaneous Sampling SAR ADC Features: 16-Bit Resolution 500ksps Simultaneous Sampling Rate Low Power: 500μA at 500ksps Low Noise:

Có hàng:5000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $6.27644

US $5.64880


US $5.96262

US $5.36636


US $5.64880

US $5.08392


US $5.49189

US $4.94270


US $5.33498

US $4.80148


US $5.17806

US $4.66026


US $5.02115

US $4.51904


US $4.95839

US $4.46255


US $4.86424

US $4.37782

From: US $4.86424

Có hàng:10000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $13.90134

US $12.51120


US $13.12904

US $11.81614


US $12.74289

US $11.46860


US $12.35674

US $11.12107


US $11.97060

US $10.77354


US $11.81614

US $10.63452


US $11.58445

US $10.42600


US $11.42999

US $10.28699


US $11.19830

US $10.07847

From: US $11.19830

#PBF Description: The LTC1418CG#PBF is a low power, low noise, high accuracy, 8-channel, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an integrated sample-and-hold amplifier. Features: Low Power:

Có hàng:5000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Analog Devices


The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $39.81450

US $35.83305


US $39.81450

US $35.83305


US $38.48735

US $34.63862


US $37.95649

US $34.16084


US $37.69106

US $33.92195


US $37.16020

US $33.44418


US $37.16020

US $33.44418


US $36.89477

US $33.20529


US $36.62934

US $32.96641

From: US $36.62934

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $12.34040

US $11.10636


US $11.72338

US $10.55104


US $11.10636

US $9.99572


US $10.79785

US $9.71807


US $10.48934

US $9.44040


US $10.18083

US $9.16275


US $9.87232

US $8.88509


US $9.74892

US $8.77402


US $9.56381

US $8.60743

From: US $9.56381

#PBF Description: The LTC1864LACMS8#PBF is a low noise, low power, 8-channel, 12-bit, simultaneous sampling, successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an SPI-compatible serial i

Có hàng:5000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Maxim Integrated


The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $17.28927

US $15.56034


US $16.95679

US $15.26111


US $16.62430

US $14.96187

From: US $16.62430

Description: 8-Channel, 12-Bit, Serial ADC with Internal Reference Features: 8-Channel, 12-Bit, Serial ADC with Internal Reference Single +5V Supply Low Power Consumption: 2.5mW/Channel Low Cost

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Maxim Integrated


The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $5.85958

US $5.27362


US $5.69529

US $5.12576


US $5.47624

US $4.92862

From: US $5.47624

Description: 8-Channel, 8-Bit, Serial, A/D Converter with Multiplexer Features: 8-Channel, 8-Bit Resolution Multiplexer with 8 Single-Ended or 4 Differential Inputs 0V to 5V Input Range Serial In

Có hàng:10000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $110.52421

US $99.47179


US $110.52421

US $99.47179


US $103.15593

US $92.84034


US $103.15593

US $92.84034


US $103.15593

US $92.84034


US $103.15593

US $92.84034


US $103.15593

US $92.84034


US $102.41910

US $92.17719


US $101.68228

US $91.51405

From: US $101.68228

The LTC2151IUJ-14#PBF is a high-speed, low-power, 14-bit, 1.2 GSPS A/D converter from Linear Technology. It features a wide input bandwidth of DC to 500 MHz, a low power consumption of only 1.2 W, and

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $21.37410

US $19.23669


US $20.18665

US $18.16799


US $19.59293

US $17.63363


US $18.99920

US $17.09928


US $18.40548

US $16.56493


US $18.16799

US $16.35119


US $17.81175

US $16.03058


US $17.57426

US $15.81683


US $17.21803

US $15.49622

From: US $17.21803

Description: The AD574AJN is a precision 8-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip track-and-hold amplifier. Features: 8-bit resolution On-chip track-and-hold

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD7731 is a complete analog front-end for process control applications. The device has a proprietary programmable gain front end that allows it to accept a range of input signal ranges, including low level signals, directly from a transducer. The sigmadelta architecture of the part consists of an analog modulator and a low pass programmable digital filter, allowing adjustment of filter cutoff, output rate and settling time. The part features three buffered differential programmable gain analog inputs (which can be configured as five pseudo-differential inputs), as well as a differential reference input. The part operates from a single +5 V supply and accepts seven unipolar analog input ranges: 0 to +20 mV, +40 mV, +80 mV, +160 mV, +320 mV, +640 mV and +1.28 V, and seven bipolar ranges: ±20 mV, ±40 mV, ±80 mV, ±160 mV, ±320 mV, ±640 mV and ±1.28 V. The peak-to-peak resolution achievable directly from the part is 16 bits at an 800 Hz output rate. The part can switch between channels with 1 ms settling time and maintain a performance level of 13 bits of peak-to-peak resolution. The serial interface on the part can be configured for three-wire operation and is compatible with microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The AD7731 contains self-calibration and system calibration options and features an offset drift of less than 5 nV/°C and a gain drift of less than 2 ppm/°C. The part is available in a 24-lead plastic DIP, a 24-lead SOIC and 24-lead TSSOP package. Applications Process Control PLCs/DCS Industrial Instrumentation

Utsource Original Store


US $26.78520

US $24.10668


US $26.78520

US $24.10668


US $25.89237

US $23.30313


US $25.53523

US $22.98171


US $25.35666

US $22.82099


US $24.99952

US $22.49957


US $24.99952

US $22.49957


US $24.82096

US $22.33886


US $24.64239

US $22.17815

From: US $24.64239

#PBF Description: The LTC1605ISW#PBF is a low power, low noise, rail-to-rail output, single-supply, CMOS operational amplifier. Features: - Low power: 1.3mA/amplifier - Low noise: 0.9nV/√Hz - Rail-t

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích



Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices




US $40.98000

US $36.88200


US $40.98000

US $36.88200


US $39.61400

US $35.65260


US $39.06760

US $35.16084


US $38.79440

US $34.91496


US $38.24800

US $34.42320


US $38.24800

US $34.42320


US $37.97480

US $34.17732


US $37.70160

US $33.93144

From: US $37.70160

Có hàng:2000

Tối thiểu:1

Yêu thích

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