IC Yongaları

74 serisi Dijital Tümleşik Devreler

CD40 serisi Dijital Tümleşik Devreler

Optik Kuplörler

Saat ve Hesap Makinesi IC'leri

İşlemsel Yükselteçler

Güç Anahtarı IC'leri

Sürücü Ic'leri

Flash Bellek


Ses Özel Amaçlı

Saat/Zamanlama - Uygulamaya Özel

Saat/Zamanlama - Saat Tampon Sürücüleri

Saat/Zamanlama - Saat Jeneratörleri PLL'ler Frekans Sentezleyicileri

Saat/Zamanlama - Gecikme Hatları

Saat/Zamanlama - IC Piller

Saat/Zamanlama - Programlanabilir Zamanlayıcılar ve Osilatörler

Saat/Zamanlama - Gerçek Zamanlı Saatler

Veri Toplama - ADC'ler/DAC'ler - Özel Amaçlı

Veri Toplama - Analog Ön Uç (AFE)

Veri Toplama - Analogdan Dijitale Dönüştürücüler (ADC)

Veri Toplama - Dijital Potansiyometreler

Veri Toplama - Dijitalden Analoğa Dönüştürücüler (DAC)

Veri Toplama - Dokunmatik Ekran Denetleyicileri

Gömülü - CPLD'ler (Karmaşık Programlanabilir Mantık Aygıtları)

Gömülü - DSP (Dijital Sinyal İşlemciler)

Gömülü - FPGA'lar (Alan Programlanabilir Kapı Dizisi)

Gömülü - Mikrodenetleyicili FPGA'lar (Alan Programlanabilir Kapı Dizisi)

Gömülü - Mikrodenetleyici Mikroişlemci FPGA Modülleri

Gömülü - Mikrodenetleyiciler

Gömülü - Mikrodenetleyiciler - Uygulamaya Özel

Gömülü - Mikroişlemciler

Gömülü - PLD'ler (Programlanabilir Mantık Aygıtı)

Gömülü - Yonga Üzerinde Sistem (SoC)

Arayüz - Analog Anahtarlar - Özel Amaçlı

Arayüz - Analog Anahtarlar Çoklayıcılar

Arayüz - CODEC'ler

Arayüz - Denetleyiciler

Arayüz - Doğrudan Dijital Sentez (DDS)

Arayüz - Sürücüler Alıcılar Telsizler

Arayüz - Kodlayıcılar Kod Çözücüler Dönüştürücüler

Arayüz - Filtreler - Aktif

Arayüz - G/Ç Genişleticiler

Arayüz - Modemler - IC'ler ve Modüller

Arayüz - Modüller

Arayüz - Sensör ve Dedektör Arayüzleri

Arayüz - Sensör Kapasitif Dokunmatik

Arayüz - Serileştiriciler Serileştiriciler

Arayüz - Sinyal Tamponları Tekrarlayıcılar Ayırıcılar

Arayüz - Sinyal Sonlandırıcılar

Arayüz - Özel

Arayüz - Telekom

Arayüz - UART'lar (Evrensel Asenkron Alıcı Verici)

Arayüz - Ses Kaydı ve Oynatma

Doğrusal - Amplifikatörler - Ses

Doğrusal - Yükselteçler - Enstrümantasyon OP Amperleri Tampon Amperleri

Doğrusal - Yükselteçler - Özel Amaçlı

Doğrusal - Amplifikatörler - Video Amplifikatörleri ve Modülleri

Doğrusal - Analog Çarpanlar Bölücüler

Doğrusal - Karşılaştırıcılar

Doğrusal - Video İşleme

Mantık - Tamponlar Sürücüler Alıcılar Telsizler

Mantık - Karşılaştırıcılar

Mantık - Sayaç Bölücüler

Mantık - FIFO Hafızası

Mantık - Flip Floplar

Mantık - Kapılar ve Eviriciler

Mantık - Kapılar ve Çeviriciler - Çok İşlevli Yapılandırılabilir

Mantık - Mandallar

Mantık - Multivibratörler

Mantık - Eşlik Üreteçleri ve Denetleyiciler

Mantık - Kaydırma Yazmaçları

Mantık - Sinyal Anahtarları Çoklayıcılar Kod Çözücüler

Mantık - Özel Mantık

Mantık - Çevirmenler Seviye Değiştiriciler

Mantık - Evrensel Veri Yolu İşlevleri

Bellek - Piller

Bellek - FPGA'lar için Yapılandırma Yönergeleri

Bellek - Denetleyiciler

PMIC - AC DC Dönüştürücüler Çevrimdışı Değiştiriciler

PMIC - Akü Şarj Cihazları

PMIC - Pil Yönetimi

PMIC - Mevcut Düzenleme/Yönetim

PMIC - Ekran Sürücüleri

PMIC - Enerji Ölçümü

PMIC - Tam Yarım Köprü Sürücüleri

PMIC - Kapı Sürücüleri

PMIC - Çalışırken Değiştirilebilir Denetleyiciler

PMIC - Lazer Sürücüleri

PMIC - LED Sürücüler

PMIC - Aydınlatma Balast Kontrolörleri

PMIC - Motor Sürücü Kontrol Cihazları

PMIC - OR Denetleyicileri İdeal Diyotlar

PMIC - PFC (Güç Faktörü Düzeltmesi)

PMIC - Güç Dağıtım Anahtarları Sürücüleri Yükler

PMIC - Güç Yönetimi - Uzmanlaşmış

PMIC - Ethernet Üzerinden Güç (PoE) Denetleyicileri

PMIC - Güç Kaynağı Denetleyicileri Monitörler

PMIC - RMS'den DC'ye Dönüştürücüler

PMIC - Süpervizörler

PMIC - Termal Yönetim

PMIC - V/F ve F/V Dönüştürücüler

PMIC - Voltaj Referansı

PMIC - Voltaj Regülatörleri - DC DC Anahtarlama Kontrolörleri

PMIC - Voltaj Regülatörleri - DC DC Anahtarlama Regülatörleri

PMIC - Voltaj Regülatörleri - Lineer

PMIC - Voltaj Regülatörleri - Lineer + Anahtarlama

PMIC - Voltaj Regülatörleri - Lineer Regülatör Kontrol Cihazları

PMIC - Voltaj Regülatörleri - Özel Amaçlı

Özel IC'ler






Güç kaynağı

Akıllı Güç Modülü

SCRGTO ve Diyot


Darlington Transistörler

RF Modülleri




Servo sürücü ve amplifikatör ve Servo

Diyot Modülü

Transistör Modülü

Anahtar Rölesi



Kontaktör & Kesici

Asansör Panosu

Endüstri Kontrolü



bipolar transistörler


Karbon Film Dirençleri

Çimento Dirençleri

Şasi Montaj Dirençleri

Yonga Direnci - Yüzey Montajı

Akım Algılama Dirençleri

Eriyebilir Talaş Direnci

Yüksek Hassasiyet ve Düşük TCR SMD Dirençleri

Yüksek Gerilim Direnci

LED Şerit Dirençler

MELF Direnci

Metal Alaşımlı Dirençler

Metal Film Direnci (TH)

Metal Sır Dirençleri

Metal Oksit Film Dirençler

Metal Oksit Dirençler

NTC Termistörleri

PTC Termistörleri


Potansiyometreler ve Değişken Dirençler

Hassas Potansiyometre

Direnç Ağları ve Dizileri

Direnç Ağları ve Dizileri (TH)

Ultra Düşük Dirençler (SMD)

Değişken Dirençler


Tel sargılı dirençler


Alüminyum Elektrolitik Kapasitörler - SMD

CL21 Kondansatör

Seramik Disk Kapasitörler

Yüksek Gerilim Kondansatörleri

Metalize Polyester Film Kapasitör

Çok Katmanlı Seramik Kondansatörler MLCC - Kurşunlu

Çok Katmanlı Seramik Kondansatörler MLCC - SMD/SMT

Mylar Kapasitör

Niyobyum Oksit Kondansatörler

Polyester Film Kapasitörler

Katı Polimer Elektrolitik Kondansatör

Süper kapasitörler ve Ultra kapasitörler

Bastırma Kondansatörleri

tantal kapasitörler

Düzelticiler Değişken Kapasitörler

İndüktörler ve Ferrit Boncuklar ve Transformatörler


Akım transformatörleri

Genel İndüktörler (TH)

HF İndüktörleri

İndüktörler (SMD)

Hat filtresi

Güç İndüktörleri

Güç transformatörü

RJ45 Trafo

Radyal İndüktör (TH)

Dairesel indüktörler





Seramik Rezonatörler

DIP Osilatörleri(XO)

Radyal Silindir Kristalleri

TESTERE Rezonatörleri

SMD Kristalleri

SMD Osilatörleri(XO)


AV Konnektörleri

Ses ve Video Konnektörleri

Muz ve Uç Konnektörleri

Kart Kenar Konnektörleri

Dairesel Konnektörler

Konnektör - Kart Yuvaları


Konnektörler - Aksesuarlar

Konnektörler - Muhafazalar


D-Sub Konnektörler

Ethernet Konnektörleri/Modüler Konnektörler

FFC FPC (Düz Esnek) Konnektörler

Fiber Optik Konnektörler

IC ve Bileşen Soketleri

LED Işık Boruları

Ara Konnektörler (Karttan Karta)

PCB Konnektörleri - Başlıklar Erkek Pimler

PCB Konnektörleri - Başlıklar Prizler Dişi Soketler

PCB Konnektörleri - Muhafazalar

Güç Konnektörleri

RF Konnektörleri/Koaksiyel Konnektörler

Şantlar ve Süveterler

Klemensler - Aksesuarlar

Klemensler - Bariyer Blokları

Klemensler - Din Ray Kanalı

Klemensler - Başlıklar Fişler ve Soketler


Test Klipleri

Test Noktaları/Test Halkaları

USB Konnektörleri

Belirtilmemiş Bağlayıcılar

Vidalı kablolama

Yay tipi kablolama

Tak-Çıkar Terminal Blokları

Duvar Klemensleri

Otomotiv Terminalleri

Terminal Muhafazaları Yalıtım Manşonları ve Blokları

Hızlı Ayırma Tel Konnektörleri ve Terminaller

Yedek ve Aşınma Aletleri

Otomotiv Konnektörleri

PCB Konnektörleri

SFP alıcı-vericileri








Özelleştirilmiş SFP

SFP+ Alıcı-vericiler

10G SFP+




8G/16G SFP+

Özelleştirilmiş SFP+

XFP Alıcı-Vericileri





Özelleştirilmiş XFP

40G/100G Alıcı-Vericiler


100G QSFP28

100G CFP

100G CFP2

100G CFP4

25G SFP28

100G Müşteri Deneyimi

Özelleştirilmiş 40G/100G

40G BiDi QSFP+

Aktif Optik Kablolar

10G SFP+'dan SFP+ AOC'ye

40G QSFP+'dan QSFP+ AOC'ye

40G QSFP+ - 4xSFP+ AOC

40G QSFP+'dan 8xLC AOC'ye


Özelleştirilmiş AOC


100G QSFP28 - 4xSFP28 AOC

56G QSFP+'dan QSFP+'ya

Doğrudan Bağlantı Kabloları

10G SFP+'dan SFP+ DAC'a

40G QSFP+'dan QSFP+ DAC'ye

40G QSFP+ - 4xSFP+ DAC

25G SFP28'den SFP28 DAC'ye

100G QSFP28'den QSFP28 DAC'ye

100G QSFP28 - 4 SFP28 DAC

Özelleştirilmiş DAC

56G QSFP+'dan QSFP+'ya

Fiber optik HDMI kablosu

Fiber Optik Yama Kablosu

MTP/MPO Plenum Gövdeleri

MTP/MPO-LC Plenumu

MTP/MPO LSZH Gövdeleri


OM4 40 100 Gb 50/125 Çoklu Mod

OM3 10Gb 50/125 Çoklu Mod

OM2 50/125 Çoklu Mod

OM1 62.5/125 Çoklu Mod

OS2 9/125 Tekli Mod Tek Yönlü

OS2 9/125 Tekli Mod Çift Yönlü

OM5 40G 100G 50/125 Çoklu Mod

Değiştirilebilir LC Kabloları

Uniboot LC Kabloları

Ultra Düşük Kayıplı LC SMF

Ultra Düşük Kayıplı LC MMF

BIF Fiber Kablolar

Zırhlı Patch Kablolar

Diğer Telsizler

Dönüştürücü Modülleri


GBIC alıcı-vericileri

PON alıcıları

Telsiz Aksesuarları

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Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12708


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12708

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature


YTL 174.74709

YTL 164.26227


YTL 162.26516

YTL 152.52925

From: YTL 162.26516

The TEC1-12708 is a 12V thermoelectric cooler (TEC) module designed for cooling electronic components. It is a Peltier module that can be used to cool or heat a device. It is capable of cooling up to




High sensitive module rain rain rain controller module/rain sensor module weather module


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

High sensitive module rain rain rain controller module/rain sensor module weather module

VCC: connect power anode (3-5 v) GND: connect power negative DO: TTL switch signal output AO: analog signal output


YTL 112.33742

YTL 105.59717


YTL 99.85548

YTL 93.86415

From: YTL 99.85548




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12710


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12710

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature


YTL 174.74709

YTL 164.26227


YTL 156.02419

YTL 146.66274

From: YTL 156.02419




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12709


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12709

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature


YTL 174.74709

YTL 164.26227


YTL 162.26516

YTL 152.52925

From: YTL 162.26516




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12712


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12712

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature


YTL 187.22903

YTL 175.99529


YTL 174.74709

YTL 164.26227

From: YTL 174.74709

The TEC1-12712 is a 12V Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) designed for cooling electronic components and water dispensers. It features a maximum current of 15A, a maximum voltage of 15.4V, a maximum power o




Manual stripping pliers multi-function electric lines to dial the pliers stripper skinning knife chop wire clamp pliers tools Hardness of 55 shear line sharp does not hurt


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Manual stripping pliers multi-function electric lines to dial the pliers stripper skinning knife chop wire clamp pliers tools Hardness of 55 shear line sharp does not hurt

Wire stripping pliers multifunction electrician tongs dial line wire cutters fiber optic cable scissors grilled stripper pliers With blade stripping pliers


YTL 112.33742

YTL 105.59717


YTL 99.85548

YTL 93.86415

From: YTL 99.85548

Description: This multi-function electric lines to dial the pliers stripper skinning knife chop wire clamp pliers tools is designed for manual stripping of wires. It has a hardness of 55 and a sharp s




SYB-170 hole color bread board with bread plate 4.5*3.5 mini bread plate.


Original parts, guaranteed brand new


YTL 12.48194

YTL 11.73302


YTL 10.60964

YTL 9.97307

From: YTL 10.60964

Description: The SYB-170 is a mini breadboard with bread plate. It features 4.5 x 3.5 inch bread plate, which is ideal for prototyping and testing of small electronic circuits. The board is made of hi




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12706


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12706

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature


YTL 156.02419

YTL 146.66274


YTL 143.54225

YTL 134.92972

From: YTL 143.54225

The TEC1-12706 is a 12V thermoelectric cooler (TEC) module designed for cooling applications. It is a Peltier module with a maximum power of 72W and a maximum current of 6A. The module has a maximum t




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12705


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12705

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature


YTL 156.02419

YTL 146.66274


YTL 143.54225

YTL 134.92972

From: YTL 143.54225

TEC1-12705 is a 12V thermoelectric cooler (TEC) module designed for cooling applications. It is made of semiconductor material and features a high power density, low thermal resistance, and low cost.




Screwdriver bit bit extension sleeve Extension electric drill connecting rod hose (black,1 piece)


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Screwdriver bit bit extension sleeve Extension electric drill connecting rod hose (black,1 piece)

The screw driver is flexible, the elastic bit extends, the super driver is flexible, the elastic shaft extends the bit universal flexible shaft power tool accessories Universal flexible shaft electric drill wrench accessories screwdriver drill bit head extension sleeve Extension connecting rod hose


YTL 112.33742

YTL 105.59717


YTL 99.85548

YTL 93.86415

From: YTL 99.85548




Precision stainless steel tweezers tweezers tweezers elbow bend mouth curved tip 1515 DIY maintenance tools


Original parts, guaranteed brand new


YTL 49.92774

YTL 46.93208


YTL 31.20484

YTL 29.33255

From: YTL 31.20484

Description: Precision Stainless Steel Tweezers with Elbow Bend and Curved Tip Features: - Made of stainless steel for durability and rust resistance - Elbow bend design allows for precise placement o




Precision tweezers point bend teardown electronic mobile phone repair tools, bird's nest hair clip pointed tweezers 1511


Original parts, guaranteed brand new


YTL 49.92774

YTL 46.93208


YTL 31.20484

YTL 29.33255

From: YTL 31.20484

Product Description: The Precision Tweezers Point Bend Teardown Electronic Mobile Phone Repair Tools, Bird's Nest Hair Clip Pointed Tweezers 1511 is a professional tweezers tool designed for mobile p




High quality multi-function stripping knife cable Coaxial cable stripping stripping pliers


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

High quality multi-function stripping knife cable Coaxial cable stripping stripping pliers

To strip coaxial cable and Internet cable and telephone lines, flat line of wire stripper, four wire stripper. - 4-5-6-7 lines of gm Looking at someone's home do F head quick and beautiful is very envy, oneself use scissors and forceps not only slowly but also rough, what method can let oneself do a clean line? Then try to wire stripper, will make you get twice the result with half the effort!


YTL 156.02419

YTL 146.66274


YTL 143.54225

YTL 134.92972

From: YTL 143.54225

Description: The XC-KF-01 is a high quality multi-function stripping knife cable coaxial cable stripping pliers. This tool is designed to strip and cut coaxial cables of various sizes. It features a s




IC on dial device PLCC dialing device since the BIOS chip on extractor forceps clip


Original parts, guaranteed brand new


YTL 124.81935

YTL 117.33019


YTL 112.33742

YTL 105.59717

From: YTL 112.33742

The IC ON DIAL DEVICE PLCC DIALING DEVICE is a device used to control the dialing of a telephone. It is typically used in conjunction with a telephone handset and is used to control the dialing of num




Syb-120 bread plate 188*46*8.5mm.


Original parts, guaranteed brand new


YTL 19.97110

YTL 18.77283


YTL 18.72290

YTL 17.59953


YTL 17.47471

YTL 16.42623

From: YTL 17.47471

SYB-120 BREAD PLATE is a 188*46*8.5mm SMD (Surface Mount Device) and JS (J-Lead) component. It is a type of printed circuit board (PCB) that is used to mount components on the surface of the board. It




Rick industrial-grade partial core province silk electrician special steel wire cutters WLXY 7 "combination pliers


Original parts, guaranteed brand new


YTL 237.15677

YTL 222.92736


YTL 218.43387

YTL 205.32783

From: YTL 218.43387




Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12704


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Piece of semiconductor refrigeration is water dispenser films for electronic cooling 12 v TEC1-12704

Dimension: 40 * 40 * 3.8 mm Wire specifications: 100 + / - 5 mm long RV lead wire single head 5 mm tin plating Internal resistance value: 2.4 ~ 2.7 Ω (23 + / - 1 ℃, environment temperature 1 KHZ Ac test) The largest temperature difference: delta Tmax (Qc = 0) more than 61 ℃. Working current: Imax = 5 (rated voltage startup) Rated voltage: DC12V (Vmax: 15.5 V) The refrigeration power: Qcmax 45 w The assembly pressure: 85 n/cm2 Working conditions: temperature range and 55 ℃ ~ 83 ℃ (high environmental temperature will directly affect the cooling efficiency) Encapsulation process: standard around 704 silicone rubber seal Packing: bubble box packing, storing conditions - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃ ambient temperature


YTL 156.02419

YTL 146.66274


YTL 143.54225

YTL 134.92972

From: YTL 143.54225

The TEC1-12704 is a 12V Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) module. It is a self-contained module that uses the Peltier effect to cool or heat objects. It is commonly used in applications such as cooling elec




HDMI switcher distributor 3 in 1 out computer hd audio 4 k joint SanJin a converter


Original parts, guaranteed brand new


YTL 237.15677

YTL 222.92736


YTL 205.95193

YTL 193.59481

From: YTL 205.95193

4 k SanJin a HDMI switch plug and play support 3 d




Oil temperature gauge kitchen barbecue roast temperature of the liquid temperature pen electronic thermometer TP101 food Electronic digital display food thermometer probe adopt import stainless steel


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Oil temperature gauge kitchen barbecue roast temperature of the liquid temperature pen electronic thermometer TP101 food Electronic digital display food thermometer probe adopt import stainless steel

Electronic digital display food thermometer Probe adopt import stainless steel security precision Weight: 0.1 KG/a A product listing: a thermometer, batteries, specification a Measuring range: water, food, liquid, paste, oil temperature, temperature milk, tea, soup, beer, etc Temperature measurement range: - 50 ℃ ~ 300 ℃ (58 ℉ ~ + 572 ℉) wide range measurement Function characteristics: Pen ty


YTL 174.74709

YTL 164.26227


YTL 156.02419

YTL 146.66274

From: YTL 156.02419




Infrared barrie module/obstacle avoidance obstacle avoidance car sensors/black and white line identification distance is adjustable


Original parts, guaranteed brand new

Infrared barrie module/obstacle avoidance obstacle avoidance car sensors/black and white line identification distance is adjustable

3.3 V to 5 V voltage VCC external (can be directly connected to 5 V microcontroller and 3.3 V microcontroller) 2 GND external GND 3 OUT of the small plate digital output interface (0 and 1)


YTL 112.33742

YTL 105.59717


YTL 99.85548

YTL 93.86415

From: YTL 99.85548




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